Our Keep it Healthy Programme can help you if you suffer with high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, arthritis or if you are overweight. This medically supervised exercise programme has been developed to improve general health and fitness and can help manage cardiovascular risk factors.

How can this help you?

·         Assisting and encouraging you to make healthy lifestyle choices

·         Building your self-confidence and increasing your fitness

·         Exercise and a healthy lifestyle can help to reduce the risks of developing heart related health issues.

·         Exercise helps prevent muscle wasting

·         Exercise can help reduce fatigue, and can in fact boost your energy

·         Physical activity can help improve mental health

·         Exercise can help maintain weight


  • Well equipped air conditioned gym
  • Large Exercise Room
  • Education sessions
  • Safe, monitored environment
  • Friends and family are encouraged to attend if they wish. 

This programme consists of 16 sessions at £2.50 per session.  You can choose to do your 16 sessions in our gym or Tai-Chi classes or a combination of both.  If you are interested in finding out more about this programme please call 01922 725050.